Meet the masters of potted roses

Two passionate brothers


In the heart of Vierpolders, a small village in South Holland, there is a cool man cave. A man cave full of potted roses, that is. On an expansive five-hectare site, Harg & Roses grows over 7 million potted roses a year. Unique in its kind, with exclusive rights to the Kordana® potted rose series from Kordes, produced in a 10.5 cm pot. Unique in quality, thanks to the highest standards. And unique in innovation, with the latest cultivation techniques and systems.

By pruning twice, Harg & Roses ensures full, healthy plants. With our new cutting robot, we work quickly and efficiently, planting over 2,000 new plants every hour. The pace is fast, but never at the expense of quality. In fact, our potted roses receive special care, all grown under the same conditions. They shine under LED lighting every day, are kept warm in winter by energy screens that isolate the greenhouse, protected with organic pesticides and grow fuller thanks to our growth regulation devices. And the residual waste? We take care of that too. All residual waste from the first pruning is donated to Diergaarde Blijdorp, so nothing goes to waste. A win-win situation!

We prefer to invest in quality rather than cut corners

pieter van der Harg

Masters of potted roses through the years

Harg & Roses? Wasn't it Leo van der Harg? Yes, that’s right! Leo van der Harg took over his father’s cut rose nursery in 1987. After five years, he transitioned to potted plants and in 1997, he added the cultivation of Kordana® potted roses. With great success!

His passion didn’t go unnoticed. His sons, Wouter and Pieter, grew up with it and gradually became involved in the business. Today, they have taken over from their father as the third generation at the helm of the company. Each with their own expertise – Pieter as the cultivation manager and Wouter as the sales manager – they are bringing a fresh perspective to the family business. These two brothers complement each other like yin and yang, driven by passion, modernising the company and preparing it for the future.


We focus on building long-term customer relationships, delivering exceptional service all year round

wouter van der Harg

The mission of
Harg & Roses

Harg & Roses stands out by cultivating top-quality potted roses for a loyal group of year-round buyers.